Jazz Guitarist (Pablo and Frenz)
Master Pablo Nakappa is a jazz guitarist who has been in the music industry since the early 90s. He has played with over 15 banda in his musical career. He was part of the Afrika Revenge in 2002-4, Dumi and amagents99-2002, and Frontline crew 2006. Jazz sensation 2006-10 winky D 2010-14, Transit Crew 2017-date. Pablo plays the bass guitar and lead guitar. He has taught for many years at the Zimbabwe College of Music. Besides music, he runs a business in Hydraulic seal manufacturing. A tool maker by profession. Married to Kudzai Paula Muchabaiwa . Blessed with 5boys and a girl.
> 2010 – Now is the Time
> 2020 – Nothing But Jazz (Tribute to Dumi Ngulube)
> 2019 – Botso (feat. Willis Wataffi)
> 2012 – Ahe

Get in Touch
Phone: 0779900041 | 0772420860 |0783061542
Bank Details (Rtgs)
Account Name – Zimbabwe Musicians Union
Bank – Steward Bank
Acc Details – 1036184015